
Welcome to Atlanta’s premiere Cryo lifestyle studio

At Cryo+ innovation meets rejuvenation. With personalized services and membership plans tailored to your individual needs, we are dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. Come discover the benefits of cryo for yourself and together let’s redefine your daily wellness and beauty routine.
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With  One  of  Our  Popular  Services  or  Memberships.

Whether a multi-session membership or single-service visit, we have the services and plans to assist you in your wellness journey.

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Let Cryo+ help you achieve your wellness and beauty goals. Book a service today!

“It wasn’t uncomfortable at all. It certainly wasn’t painful…it actually felt kind of nice. I was in and out in about 30 minutes and was able to go about my normal day-to-day activities as usual.”

- Melanie Rud Chadwick


“A 3-minute session in the tank really works for me. I’m energized and have less pain and inflammation. I’m hooked.”

- Jordyn M

Former Pro-Baseball player

“It instantly lifts her face.”

- Erika La Pearl

Cardi B’s Makeup Artist

THE ZOE Report

“This 20-minute treatment made my cellulite disappear and it basically felt like getting a massage.”

- Ashley Mateo

Shape Magazine

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